Article by Colette Nichol, Solo Filmmaker and Story Strategist
Estimated reading time: 26 minutes

Let’s talk about how to fix your About Me Page with these Ideas and Examples
You want an About Me Page that gets your ideal customer cheering you on from behind their laptop screen. But you’re wondering: how to write an about me page that’ll make your ideal clients or customers LOVE you.
Now, let’s be clear: you don’t want EVERYONE to love you. And if that’s your goal, you’re going to fail at attracting the right people—the people who get you and who will be a dream to work with.
Everyone who’s been in business for a while has had the experience of the nightmare customer or client. They’re either an overt nightmare or a niggling subtle make-you-feel-like shit nightmare. Either way, you don’t want more clients like them.
And then there are those dream clients. The ones who get you, support you and love all the work you produce.
They tell other people about you. They share your work. They are your people.
Writing a good About Me Page is all about not watering down Yourself
Here’s the truth: you’re not going to find your people if you water down your about page and turn it into a pale-ass half-authentic version of you. You’ve got to paint the picture bold and bright! (Even if you do, in non-writing life, prefer muted tones.)
An About Me Page that makes the right people love you isn’t as hard as you might think.
You’ll need to include some element of story. You’ll want to share some fun facts about yourself. Yes, there should be personal details. You’ll write it in the first person i.e. using the words “I” and “me” and “my.”
And you’ll write that damn thing the way you speak. No fancy language. Just straight-up YOU.
Kay, let’s break it down.
- How to Write an About Me Page (brainstorming process)
- 10 About Me Page Mistakes
- Fun Facts About Me Ideas and Prompts
- Interesting (and awesome) About Me Examples
- About Me Template Text
How to Write An About Me Page by Starting with Brainstorming
To get the juices going and put yourself in a place where you’re focusing on your business and who you want to attract, try starting with brainstorming.
Grab a blank sheet of paper (yessss, doing it by hand does help!) and whatever jazzy pens are on hand and just write all the things down.
Brainstorm whatever you like.
But try to get some or all of these questions down on paper:
About Me Page Brainstorming Juice
- Who do you want to attract to your business?
- Who is your favourite customer?
- What things about yourself do you think your favourite customer doesn’t know but would be DELIGHTED to discover? Examples: Do you like a really weird ice cream flavour? Are you obsessed with houseplants? Do you eat wild weeds and go foraging on the weekends? Have you travelled to every continent on Earth? Are you a liberal who likes to read conservative newspapers so you can try to understand “the other side” better?
- What is your mission with your business? Why exactly do you do what you do?
- How do you help people? I mean, what do THEY get out of working with you or buying your products?
- Now, what benefit of your work do people tell you about the most?
- What is your favourite part of your business? The thing you freaking love and would still do if we lived in a socialist utopia and all got paid the same?
- Which of your customers has been the most enthusiastic about your work? What kind of stuff did they say to you?
- Which of your customers has contributed the most profit to your biz?
- Which of your customers, in your opinion, has gotten the most value out of your work?
Now if your biz is totally new and you’ve never sold a darn thing, this is trickier.
But try to answer as many questions as possible. Also, use feedback from people who have worked with you or tried your stuff for free. That’s fair game!

10 About Me Page Mistakes Everyone Makes + Examples of What Works
Listen, we all make mistakes.
In fact, after I wrote this post, I realized that I need to give my About Me Page some love. I know I can do better.
There’s no doubt that it can be easier to see the flaws in others’ work than in your own. But don’t worry, you’re not aiming for perfect.
You don’t need the “perfect about me page” in order to get clients who love you.
Still, go through these About Me mistakes and make sure you’re not making them when you write yours.
This is called learning via what-not-to-do. It actually works really well, so read all of them!
1. There’s no story on your About Me page.
You know those about me pages that just share all of the person’s incredible credentials and degrees.
They’re basically academic bios that list all the luminous things a biz owner has done. That might work for some people. But for most people in the online space, that’s going to put your reader to sleep. Story is the most powerful way of connecting with your reader. So tell a story.
How did you get into your industry? What’s been your journey from total newbie to flourishing expert. If you’re green, that’s okay. What’s been your journey of discovering this new path, and how has it benefited you? Now how are you here to help others?
If you need help with storytelling, then check out Story Guru, my 14-day storytelling course designed to help you banish writer’s block and get re-inspired. It’ll also make you a (way!) better storyteller.
2. It’s written like a corporate robot took over your computer and refused to let you have any personality.
If you’re using formal language like “this resulted in” and “therefore one must consider” and “however, it must be said that,” then it’s time to get re-writing.
If your high-school English teacher would approve of your bio, then it’s wrong!
Use contractions.
Use casual language.
Write like you would speak.
Hell, you can even throw in an emoji if you like. Write this damn thing like you’d write to your best friend.
I’m lucky because I have an email bestie. We’ve been writing to each other since 2009. So if I find myself getting stuck and writing like there’s a big stick up my butt, then I just think of my friend, and my writing gets better.
See that last line I wrote? Kinda not what you’d expect on a “business blog.” Lol. But it passes the would-I-write-that-to-Jenn test.
So who’s your email bestie that you can use as your about page taste tester?
3. It’s not written in your voice.
It may not be corporate, but it doesn’t sound like you.
This is something we’re seeing all over the internet right now, specifically in the world of fun, young, sassy biz owners. There’s a way of writing that’s very…mmm…well, I guess cute is one way of putting it.
Everything gets stuck in *these fricking things.* The writing is littered with casual slang that the writer would never say out loud because it’s not authentic to them.
Here’s the thing: I’d rather read bad authentic writing than good inauthentic writing. Plus, if you’re stealing somebody else’s voice, you’re going to get somebody else’s customers. If you’ve ever had a nightmare client, then you know that who you attract is important. The more balls-to-the-wall authentic you are, the better fit your clients will be.
See how I used a peculiar phrase that nobody says? Balls-to-the-wall…who says that? Me.
Here’s another one I love: brass tacks. I don’t know why, but I love that phrase. Let’s get down to brass tacks! Weird. Not trendy. Don’t care.
Be yourself and speak your own language. The right people will be cool with it.

4. It doesn’t contain any relatable, fun facts.
“Fun facts! Fun facts! Fun facts!”
That’s the crowd cheering you on from the sidelines as you try to write your About Me Page.
The crowd wants some fun facts. They want to know a couple weird and wondrous details that paint a picture of who you are. Do you occasionally like to unwind by drinking peaty scotch and listening to true crime mysteries? I wanna know that!
Did you quit your job, go to clown school and then take off for South America when you were 21? Tell me those damn facts!
5. It’s written to attract the wrong people.
This can happen in so many different ways.
But here’s how you know you’ve done it.
a) You’ll start getting clients that aren’t the right fit.
b) Despite having decent website traffic, you’re not getting any clients at all.
c) When you read it and think about your ideal client, you KNOW they wouldn’t be leaping out of their seats and doing a fist pump because they’re so happy they finally found someone that suits them perfectly.
Here’s how to avoid writing to attract the wrong people: think of the benefit that YOUR IDEAL CLIENT wants. What does your ideal client most desire? What are they sick of? And what words and concepts will they totally not get?
Example of Writing for the Wrong People:
Your work is actually a total healing experience, but your ideal client doesn’t care about “healing.” She just wants to feel less stressed and more creative. So it won’t help to write a story about the healing experience you or your clients have undergone.
Maybe your ideal client cares about their physical health and how much energy they have. So you could talk about how a side benefit of your work is more energy and a feeling of greater vitality. Instead of talking about the healing energy (which they don’t care about), you could talk about the incredible physical vitality they’ll likely feel.
Do you see the difference? This matters. A lot. Your work probably has a long list of benefits. Write about the ones that matter to your ideal client.
You can even describe your ideal client on your About Me Page.
Examples of Describing your Ideal Client:
I work with creatives who are ready to put in the (fun!) work and take their businesses to a new level of visibility and profit.
This person is a strategist who doesn’t want to work with corporations and wants to attract people who are creative and hardworking.
I help creatives who are feeling stuck and stagnant get unblocked so they can feel connected to their creativity again and start making work that matters.
This person is a coach who wants to work with ambitious creatives.
I specialize in helping professional and pre-professional athletes quickly recover from injuries so they can get back to doing what they love faster and without as many complications.
This person is a physio who doesn’t want to attract non-athletes.
6. You’re writing to a group instead of an individual.
If you’re not thinking of a single person when writing your about me page, you’ll do things like say, “people are struggling with…” instead of “you might be struggling with….”
Nobody wants to hear what other people are struggling with. They want to be directly addressed. You’re not doing it in a creepy we-want-you military campaign style. You’re simply talking to a friend in a one-on-one chat. Easy. Simple. Casual. Just write to one person, and you’re good.
7. It’s too safe.
It’s dumbed down or watered down or too nicey-nice.
You don’t draw a line in the sand and clearly say here’s what I stand for.
If your ideal client is highly intellectual, then go ahead, use all the delicious words that an eighth-grader would get. Or if your ideal client is cool with swearing, sneak in an f-bomb.
Are you a total outlier in your industry? Maybe your industry is full of men—say something about that. Or maybe your industry is full of Astro-obsessed flakes. Then talk about how that’s not you.
Is there something dissonant about your two main life interests? Are you an analytical spreadsheet-loving tarot reader? That’s much more interesting than pretending you’re a 100% left-brain creative witch all the time.
If you’re not so safe with your writing you’ll filter out the bad-fit people. Put yourself out there, and you’ll get back what you put out.

8. It’s written from a place of fear instead of excitement.
Sometimes when we approach the page, we do so with timidity and fear.
We’re scared shitless that somebody is going to judge us. We’re already judging ourselves as we write. Fuck that! If people judge you, let them judge YOU.
Listen, you’re not for everybody. No matter how hard you try to be for everybody, you’re not. I freaking love Oprah. Some people don’t. I think they’re maniacs. But whatever. She’s not for them. She’s not going to be less herself because some rando doesn’t think she’s amazing.
Approach the writing of your About Me Page from this perspective:
I’m not for everyone, so fuck it, I’m going to just BE MYSELF.
What’s the point of being liked for the watered-down version of you anyway?
Here’s a tip for getting over the fear gremlin when writing: write during your off-peak hours. Are you a night owl? Write your About Me Page at 5 a.m.
Seriously. I do all my writing from 7 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. because it’s when I’m too tired to judge myself. It’s 8:05 a.m. right now. There’s no freaking way I could have written this article at 3 p.m. Absolutely no goddamn way.
Why not?
When I’m in my zone of peak energy, my creativity is low, and my inner censorship-bot is on fire! I turn into the Chinese government, and I start erecting a fire wall between my creativity and my typing fingers.
I’ve tried everything.
The only thing that works for me is writing super early in the morning or extremely late at night (like 1 am). For obvious reasons, the writing early situation is better for my health and sanity.
P.S. You can also occasionally try sipping a glass of wine or scotch while working on something that really gets the fear gremlins riled up. Just know that relying on alcohol for writing is a recipe for a resentful liver. You don’t actually want to be the next Hemingway in that regard.
9. It doesn’t paint a picture because you’ve used a generic description instead of concrete images.
Don’t say that you like chocolate; you stress-eat Nutella by the spoonful when you start working on a new project.
Your husband knows that you’re thinking up something new because the Nutella disappears overnight.
Instead of telling me that you love to go hiking, tell me that the best hike you went on ended with you sitting on a cliff above the Pacific Ocean, eating fresh pineapple with a man who only had half his teeth.
I’m not telling you to make up stories here. I’m saying, you’ve already got a million details in your life. Use concrete and colourful details whenever possible.

10. It doesn’t lead people towards working with you.
We’re all guilty of this.
We don’t want to be pushy or salesy. Blah blah blorg. I get it.
I do the same thing. But please know that if somebody reads to the bottom of your about page, they want more. So tell them how to get more. Tell them how they can work with you. Give them a road map for what’s next.
If your main website goal is to have people sign up for your newsletter, get them to do that. Give them the next step, so they don’t have to wonder to themself what the next step is.
You’re the jungle guide. You show them how to wade through the cayman-infested waters to get to the other side. If you don’t show them, they’re just going to disappear.
Interesting and Fun Facts About Me Writing Prompts & Ideas?
You didn’t think I’d let you out of here without some writing prompts did you?
Oh, hell no!
Feel free to use any of these prompts when creating your About Me Page. Some people like to go nuts and write 100 facts about themselves on their about me page. I prefer the route where I tie in an un-guessable or unusual fact about me with what I do. But you choose the path that feels right!
- What’s one weird food that you couldn’t do without?
- Is there one book that changed your life?
- Tell me about your biggest business pet peeve!
- What’s something in your industry you wish you could change?
- How you are you super different from most people in your industry?
- Do you have some totally unexpected so-called default? Like an allergy to strawberries or colour blindnesses.
- Who’s a character (on TV or in a book) that you looked up to as a kid?
- What’s something you did as a kid that turned out to prepare you for what you’re doing now? Not that you had any inkling of that as a kid.
- What’s one of your totally bad habits that you’re just never going to bother kicking?
- What totally low-brow thing do you love to read or watch?
- Do you have a healthy addiction?
- Was some way that you grew up a little unusual? (I didn’t have a TV and yet, I turned into filmmaker! Weird, right?)
- What’s your hidden super power? It’s not something most people would even know about you because it’s invisible but powerful.
- What are you really freaking good at but hate doing?
- What are you really freaking good at but love doing?
- What’s your favourite alcoholic beverage?
- What’s something you refuse to eat? Not happening. Won’t happen. Has happened but never again?
- What’s one moment that changed everything for you?
- What movie had the greatest influence on you as a kid?
- Who do you admire and why?
- What are you really proud of that has nothing to do with your business?
- What is something you love to talk about but your friends or partner always get bored and tell you to shut up or just start napping while you’re talking?
- Where were you born? Does that culture or place influence you in any way?
- What’s your favourite shade? Like instead of purple, do you love Lilac or Twilight Purple or Electric Purple.
- Are you a music geek? Who’s your favourite obscure band and why?
If you were forced to listen to a single genre of music for a day what would it be?
What’s your ultimate road trip song?
- Who do you wish you could be for a day?
- What was your biggest flop/failure/total mess of a business or life decision? (You don’t have to bare your soul…just share something that didn’t work out at all.)
- What gift should people NEVER give you because you’ll dump it or regift it?
- What is the best gift you’ve even been given?
- What’s something that most people in the world do that you don’t do? (Hi, I’m 35 and I don’t drive. Truth. But I have tried to learn. It’s just I’m better at driving in reverse than forward. Weird, right?)
- What horror movie haunted you for years?
- What mindset shift changed your whole life.
- What’s the biggest obstacle you’ve ever overcome?
Interesting About Me Examples
I’m not sharing any screenshots because you need to really go to their pages and check them out fully – from top to bottom. Plus screenshots of other people’s website are a copyright grey area. Sooooo, not going there today!
🎈 Kerstin Martin | designer and educator with SEO specialty
+ I really love her About Me Page — in fact, I’m jealous of it.
🎈 Elsa Isaac | fashion consultant and stylist
+ her fun facts are awesome and so is her about-me-page video!
🎈 Talking Shrimp | copywriter and educator
+ btw Laura actually has an About Me Page Writing Course
+ Laura’s courses are engaging, fun, amazing, and binge-worthy
🎈 Farnoosh Torabi | financial educator and podcaster
+ super nice and clean and profesh BUT with some great fun facts
Farnoosh Facts:
“I peaked in the 11th grade when I played Sally Bowles in our school’s edgy theatrical production of Caberet.”
🎈 Minima Design | designer and educator
+ her about page is more focused towards getting media attention
🎈 Selena Soo | PR expert and educator
+super duper clean and easy to “get” about page
🎈 Susannah Conway
+ sigh, her about me page is just B-E-A-UTIFUL!
Are You Ready to Write Your
About Me Page Now?
Yes, you are!!!
Go team, go!
If you’d like a little extra help then download my Rough ‘n Ready About Page Builder by filling out the form below and opting in.
Be aware…this is totally not a professionally designed thing-a-ma-bob! It’s a Google Doc that you’ll make a copy of and use as a quasi-template for writing your About Me Page. It’s got tons more examples and prompts.
Just opt-in below to grab your About Me Page Builder. You’ll also start getting marketing and biz tips from me twice per month. Lots of stories and inspiration in these emails with advice that doesn’t go up on the blog. So, I think you’ll like it.
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Learn Filmmaking and Get the Gear Guide
If you’re interested in learning filmmaking, check out the Solo Filmmaking Mentorship Program I created for aspiring filmmakers and video creators. It usually goes live once per year. So I recommend getting the Story Envelope Filmmaking letter which comes out a couple of times per month. That way, you can get filmmaking tips for free and find out when the filmmaking course is going live again.
Also, before you go, grab the Solo Filmmaking Gear Guide and Checklist for Beginners.

About the Author
Hey, I’m Colette, a story strategist, filmmaker, and entrepreneur based out of rainy Vancouver. Obsessed with personal development and marketing, you can often find me attempting to read ten books at the same time. Through this website, I help purpose-driven creatives make more money doing what they love. Join the inbox party: get actionable tips on how to make more money doing what you love and sign up for inspiring emails that actually make you feel better about your life and business.