Work with an Organic SEO Consultant to Grow Your Business

If you're looking to work with an SEO consultant or agency, make sure you know the basics before you sign on the dotted line.

So first, what does an SEO Consultant actually do?

An SEO Consultant will help you increase your website's visibility and rankings on Google and other search engines. To make sure you get the right traffic, an organic SEO consultant will find out your business goals and create a strategy that aligns with those goals.

SEO isn't helpful if it's not bringing you the right kind of traffic. In fact, you'll only increase business revenue with SEO if the organic traffic you're driving to your website is aligned with your offerings and ready to take action.

So let's talk about increasing traffic the right way.



Work with an Organic SEO Consultant to Grow Your Business

If you've ever fallen for shiny object syndrome in your business marketing, you know that most online strategies provide short-term rewards but they don't provide long-term business growth. If you want to get the attention of people who are actively trying to buy what you offer, then SEO is the best long-term strategy.

Most business owners are tired of growth strategies that provide fleeting results. That's where SEO comes in.

ready to grow?

But, if you don't do SEO, they won't find you.

Like many SEO consultants and experts, I didn't dream of growing up to be good at SEO.

But I did grow up in a family of small business owners.

I saw how hard my parents worked to run their business. Later, as a video producer, I saw my clients struggling to figure out their marketing. Worse, I started to notice how often people got sucked with strategies that didn't work.

One day, after digging around online looking for a marketing solution that didn't suck, I discovered SEO. 

And, I was HOOKED!

It made sense. It was logical. I discovered that good, modern SEO is based on Google's public guidelines and being a smart marketer and storyteller. It's based on strategy, logic, and helpful content.

Since I started doing SEO, I've helped clients 6x their leads and sales, double their online revenue, save hundreds of hours and hundreds of thousands of dollars, and get ROI of over 4000%. 

What I’ve learned in the process? 

The majority of business owners can see excellent returns if they commit to a smart organic SEO strategy. 

Your Ideal Client Is Looking for You Online

Some business owners think they're doing SEO, but really they're just running ads. A smart SEO strategy is focused on organic traffic that'll turn into sales.

Google has said over and over that they want people to create content for humans. They favour content that is helpful. In fact, if you go over their public guidelines the word HELPFUL comes up again and again. Getting to the first page of Google isn't a dark art. Be more helpful than the competition, and you'll win the game.

What is a smart organic SEO strategy?

Not Ads

Made for Humans



A smart SEO strategy is largely immune to the vagaries of Google’s ever-changing algorithms. It doesn’t require constant updates and can pay dividends for years to come. Fun fact: I’ve had posts continue to get more and more traffic despite not touching them for years.

Immune to Algorithms


To increase your profit, you can't skyrocket your costs. Profit matters just as much as revenue when it comes to growing a sustainable business that's also fun to run. So a smart SEO strategy will allow you grow without spending like crazy. Do less, earn more.

Not Just Revenue


HOld on a minute...

Smart SEO is focused on content that acts as both a traffic driver and (gentle) sales conversion machine. When you create smart content, you're going to bring in the right people who are ready to buy. Your content will act as a magnet while also nudging people towards the sale.

For Traffic and Conversions


A smart SEO strategy is largely immune to the vagaries of Google’s ever-changing algorithms. It doesn’t require constant updates and can pay dividends for years to come. Fun fact: I’ve had posts continue to get more and more traffic despite not touching them for years.

Immune to Algorithms

A good SEO strategy can bring in leads for years.

Make your content for humans not faceless algorithms.

SEO typically provides great ROI and long-term growth.

Good SEO brings you traffic and helps to convert that traffic.

Smart SEO won't tank overnight thanks to an algo update.

You can relax knowing your leads won't disappear overnight.

My SEO Strategy
Secret Sauce


There aren’t any magic tricks that can instantly get you ranking on the first page of Google. BUT, every good SEO expert will have a little secret sauce that helps their clients outrank the competition. 

Here's the first secret I'm going to share with you: time on page is one of the MOST important SEO metrics that matter. In other words, the longer your ideal visitor stays on a particular page, the more Google will start surfacing that page for various relevant keywords. 

In other words, if you want to get to the first page of Google and stay there, your pages have to meet the visitors needs. In short, they've gotta be helpful!

Google is obsessed with ensuring the pages they suggest are helpful to the searcher because that's what's keep them relevant. So...when we combine helpful text and image-based content, with helpful videos, and engaging stories, we win. And the searcher wins. And Google wins! High fives all around.



Steps for Working with Me as Your Organic SEO Consultant

Schedule a 15-minute call with me to see if your business is right for SEO. 


If your business is a fit, I’ll do a deeper dive into what you’ll need to boost your traffic.


You’ll select an SEO package that will help you achieve your goals.


I'll get started helping you grow your business!


Who Do We Help?

What kind of people do we work with? We work with experts and growing service-based businesses who want a new source of leads and traffic. Though based in Vancouver, we work with companies around the world. We've helped clients in Canada and the US achieve their business goals, reach a wider audience. Below are some of the clients that we've helped with video, digital marketing, or SEO:

What exactly is SEO?

There are various types of SEO strategies—some of which are technical. But modern SEO is largely based on creating content that meets the searchers' needs. When you do this, you're able to rise to the top.

Google's algorithm updates over the past few years have been focused on better understanding the searchers' needs and assessing the quality of website content. Meaning? You can get to the first page of Google by creating more helpful content than your competitors.

SEO is the act of optimizing your website and content to be incredibly helpful to YOUR target audience.

"I wanted to thank you for all that you do and for who you are.  The video you did of us is amazing!  You captured us and the essence of what we want to give to our heroes in the world."

Tiffany & John


26x traffic with no ads

We grew organic traffic from 300 visitors per month to 8000 visitors per month. And now, as of August 2024, we're at over 20,000 organic visitors per month.

Client Wins

"Think Katie's work is just for women? Think again. I'm a man (obviously), and my business tripled, too!"


Made six figures:


Tiffany and John came to me in 2019 with one goal: to get their website found on the first page of Google! At the time, their website wasn't ranking for any of the essential keywords in their niche. And their competitors were getting found instead. 

Over the course of a year, we took their website traffic from 300 unique visitors per month to over 8000. Before, they didn't get any leads from Google. Within a year of starting SEO, they were getting 25-35 new introductory sales calls each month. Every month. 

Since then, we've generated annual traffic that would have cost them over $250,000 a year if they'd had to pay for the Google ads. 

We created a series of videos that allows new ideal clients to feel like they already know and trust SWAN Wealth before booking the first call. 
And their SEO positioning is so strong that they were able to go for 6 months with zero SEO efforts and only saw a minor drop in traffic. You can't do that with social media. 

We boosted their business using a smart organic SEO strategy that attracts the right people to their website. Then we refined their digital sales process to more efficiently convert traffic into customers. 

The result: outrageous business growth!

Get in on the 228 million Google searches per hour!


Content-based SEO so your ideal clients and customers find you online

Over-arching SEO strategy for existing and new website pages

Step-by-step content templates that provide a foolproof way to grow traffic

High-end evergreen SEO-driven videos to attract and convert visitors to customers

SEO is right for almost all businesses. If your customers are online searching for what you sell, then SEO is right for your business. So the real question is whether you should do it on your own or with an SEO consultant or agency.

You have three main options when it comes to SEO: DIY, work with an agency, or work with a consultant. If you have a massive website and need a lot of technical SEO or a big website clean up, an agency is probably best. But if you have a smaller website and want to grow based on a content and strategy, a consultant is likely the best option.

For every single client, I provide the following:

✅ Identify your most valuable expert content zones 

✅ Website assessment with suggestions to boost your ranking

✅ Provide annual post updates system to keep you ranking

✅ Consulting on how to improve website to get more sales

✅ Consulting on how to use online automation to save time and increase profit margins

For the most comprehensive packages, I also create your content based on your expert input. 




My focus is generating organic traffic with organic SEO strategies. In other words, I don't build back links for people or do PR. I also don't do technical website overhauls. Instead, I create a strategy for your business based on helpful, strategic content and on-page optimization. It's a no fuss, no muss strategy that works in most niches. 


Organic SEO Consulting with a Focus on Your Business Growth

My clients include Canadian and US business owners and global brands. In fact, you can live in Antarctica, and I’ll still be able to help you. However, I can't help everyone. My focus is on helping small business who are in a growth phase and want to grow even faster. In particular, if you're a service-based business or online expert with high-ticket offerings, then my services will likely be a good fit. Finally, if you're open to using video to boost traffic and sales, then we are the perfect match!

As a digital media STRATEGIST and CREATIVE, I’ve been HELPING BUSINESS OWNERS online since 2014. 

  • Do you have any experience with a website similar to mine?
  • Are you just focused on growing traffic or will you help me grow traffic that's related to my business goals?
  • Can you also give me advice about how to improve conversions?
  • What's your process?
  • How will we communicate?
  • What will you need from me in terms of time commitment?
  • How big is the SEO opportunity in my niche?
  • What's the level of difficulty in getting my website ranking? (Some niche's are more competitive than others.)
  • What do you think is absolutely necessary to get my website ranking for search terms that will help me grow my business?
  • What services are not included in your SEO consulting?
  • Do you create custom packages or one-size-fits-all packages?
  • Do I have to sign an ongoing contract?
  • Once we do the main project together, will my team be able to maintain our rankings? 

SEO is not going to disappear in five years unless the internet disappears.

An SEO consultant is an expert who has a track record of helping websites rank on the first page of Google for important keywords. Because there's more than one way to get a website to rank, each SEO consultant will have a different set of experiences and skills.

Will SEO exist in 5 years? 

What should an SEO expert know?

Well, do you like the idea of increasing traffic and revenue? If, so then yes, it's worth it. Strategic SEO should pay for itself over time. It's typically one of the highest ROI marketing strategies.

What are some questions to consider when hiring an SEO consultant?

Is working with an SEO consultant worth it?

In the simplest of terms, an SEO specialist will help you get your website to the first page of Google by using a strategy appropriate for your niche.

What does an seo specialist do?

An SEO consultant should know what's working to get websites like yours ranking higher. They should know how to take your site from where it is (buried on page 26) to the first page of Google. They should know how to follow the Google Search Quality Rater Guidelines to create good content and how E-A-T and YMYL come into play in modern SEO.

What is an SEO consultant?




You're in a growth phase


You want MORE leads + SALES

You want organic traffic

Is Working with an SEO Consultant Right for You?

My SEO Philosophy for Consulting & Content Creation

Here's the deal: I don't want you to "have to" work with me for the rest of your living days. My philosophy is this: I want to help you create an SEO fortress that's difficult to knock down.

Once we create that fortress, your team can keep your pages and posts up to date. And you can reduce the number of new supporting content pieces you create each year so it's less work for your team. 

You can work with me forever (and I'd love that), but you don't necessarily have to. 

The better your SEO base, the more helpful and targeted your content, the less you need me. That's a good thing! I want you to be able to succeed even after our work together ends. In sum, I want to leave your website better than it was before, so you can keep growing your business and enjoying your life.


get A Website ASSESSMENT>>

Yes, I want It!


Find out if SEO is right for your business growth goals.