Why Should You Use an SEO Consultant?

January 5, 2024


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I'm a solo filmmaker, story strategist, SEO consultant, and educator. I'm here to either help you grow your business or start making films! Can't wait to meetcha! While you're here, make sure you sign up for the filmmaking newsletter. Or grab the free SEO Checklist for Beginners.


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Should You Work with an SEO Consultant to Grow Your Business?

Article by Colette Nichol, Story Strategist and Organic SEO Consultant

Q: “Should you work with an SEO consultant to grow your business?

A: The answer to this question isn’t simple because it depends on the growth potential for your business based on the search volume for your niche as well as a few other factors. In many cases, SEO is the best way you can increase traffic and revenue for your business.

And unless you have two years to learn the basics of SEO, I don’t recommend going it alone. Working with an SEO expert will always be worth the investment if you have a profitable business model.

SEO is largely considered one of the highest ROI strategies out there.

Why? It can give you better results than ads because you’re not interrupting people. Instead, you’re showing up in the exact moment they’re looking for your services. In addition, SEO is often ignored by businesses. SEO is so nerdy that most business owners completely overlook it. And many business owners think SEO is some black magic art form that’s impossible to do. (+)

So if you’re here, reading this, you’re already ahead of the game!

If you’re a local business, then SEO is a no brainer. Yes, you should do work with an SEO consultant to get better rankings. Even just optimizing your Google Business Profile is a good start. But you may be sitting on a very good opportunity. Local businesses often don’t realize SEO is an option.

Next, if you have a business that can service clients nationally or internationally and you sell something high-ticket, you should probably work with a consultant.

The potential for increased revenue may be high and doing it on your own will take way too long.

Should You Work with an SEO Consultant to Grow Your Business?
Would a fisherman say no to more fish? Well, saying no to more qualified traffic is what you might be doing. Working with an SEO consultant can help you get the right fish in your net! Ok, metaphor over!

Profitable Businesses Should Do SEO

If your business is doing more than $1M per year, has a proven product, a clear audience, a relatively high-priced product, and non-competitive niche, you’re likely sitting on SEO gold. Meaning, you could grow your business a lot with SEO. Thus, making it a no brainer. 

If your business is profitable and growing, SEO will just add gasoline to the fire. In a good way!

But in order to find that you need to know a few things:

  1. What’s the volume of search in your niche for the searches that are at the middle and end of the customer journey?
  2. How competitive are they?
  3. At what rate does your website currently convert from visitors to leads to sales?

With this information at hand you can decide if what you stand to gain is worth the cost of an SEO consultant or agency. 

Are You Getting Any Traffic from Google?

Most websites online get absolutely ZERO traffic from Google. That’s right. Zero!

So if you’re getting traffic from Google, you’re already in the minority. 

Search Engine Optimization plays a pivotal role in ensuring your business gets found in the vast sea of digital content. But with the ever-changing algorithms and the complexity of SEO strategies, it might be challenging to navigate this area on your own. 

This is where an SEO consultant can help.

If you’re convinced that SEO is for you, then you could also put together an in-house team. However, I’d recommend working with an SEO consultant first. They can help you put together your team after getting the foundation built.

Working with an SEO consultant will always be more cost effective than trying to bring it all in house right away.

To hire an SEO team that can get you results will cost between $150,000 and $250,000 per year, while working with a consultant may only cost you between $20,000 and $50,000 per year.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) plays a pivotal role in ensuring your business gets noticed in the vast sea of digital content.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) plays a pivotal role in ensuring your business gets noticed in the vast sea of digital content.

Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Hire an SEO Consultant

SEO is an ever-evolving field with Google constantly updating their algorithms.

An SEO consultant stays on top of these changes and knows how to adapt your strategy to maintain or improve your website’s ranking. To get the best results, you need to work with experts.

2. Customized Strategies for Your Business

Every business is unique.

There are strategies that work in most businesses, but you have to adjust them based on the niche. An experienced SEO consultant will develop a strategy that aligns with your specific business goals. They will save you time and money by making sure that your strategy makes sense.

3. Time and Cost Efficiency

SEO is time-consuming, especially if you are not familiar with the latest practices.

Let me put emphasis on that again. SEO takes a lot of time.

Why? Because SEO is founded on content.

And making great content (or even just non-sucky content) takes time. Most business owners and marketing teams do not have the time or knowledge to effectively plan and execute an SEO strategy that works.

An SEO consultant can help you achieve results more efficiently, saving you time and resources.

Since they are looking at multiple sites every day and guiding multiple strategies they know what’s working and what’s not working.

4. Comprehensive Analysis and Reporting

SEO consultants use advanced tools to track the performance of your website.

They provide detailed analysis and actionable insights to continuously optimize your SEO strategy.

5. Competitive Advantage

An experienced SEO consultant can provide insights into your competitors’ strategies, helping you stay ahead in the game. As an SEO expert, I can look at your competitors’ sites and know what they’re doing and why. And I can craft a strategy that will outperform your competitors.

An SEO consultant stays abreast of these changes and knows how to adapt your strategy to maintain or improve your website’s ranking.
An SEO consultant stays on top of what’s changing in the world of search and knows how to adapt your strategy to maintain or improve your website’s ranking.

Common Questions

Why do you need an SEO specialist?

An SEO specialist is needed to navigate the complexities of getting found on Google.

They help in optimizing your website to rank higher in search engine results, increasing visibility, and driving organic traffic to your site.

What are the benefits of an SEO specialist?

An SEO specialist brings expertise in market trends, keyword research, content optimization, and link-building strategies.

This expertise translates into higher search rankings, improved user experience, and ultimately, increased business revenue.

Is it worth hiring an SEO expert?

Yes, hiring an SEO expert is often worth the investment.

They not only improve your website’s search engine rankings but also help in identifying and fixing underlying issues that may be hindering your site’s performance.

How do I choose an SEO consultant?

When choosing an SEO consultant, look for someone you can trust.

Ask them about their results and what you can expect. Find out more about their approach. Make sure that they focus on quality and long-term gains.

Who is the best SEO consultant?

The “best” SEO consultant varies depending on your specific needs and industry.

Look for someone with a strong track record and who aligns with your business values and goals.

Does SEO actually help?


SEO helps in making your website more visible to your target audience by improving rankings in search engine results. This increased visibility leads to more traffic, which can be converted into customers and sales.

The "best" SEO consultant varies depending on your specific needs and industry.
The “best” SEO consultant varies depending on your specific needs and industry.

Final Thoughts

An SEO consultant is not a luxury.

In fact, working with an SEO expert is often a necessity in the digital era.

Unless you’re absolutely certain that getting more traffic from Google would be pointless, then SEO is likely a smart investment for your business. By providing expert knowledge, tailored strategies, and continuous optimization, an SEO consultant can be a key part of your business’s success online.

I’ve helped my clients double, triple and even 20x their traffic.

You can imagine the positive effect that has had on their business revenues.

In addition, since SEO doesn’t bloat your marketing budget, you can typically increase revenue while also increasing your profit margins. Whether it’s increasing traffic, improving rankings, or staying ahead of competitors, an SEO expert can help you achieve these goals

What Are Some Good Objectives When Hiring SEO Consultants?

What Is an SEO Consultant and Why Are They Important?

How To Hire an SEO Consultant

About the Author

Hi! I’m Colette Nichol. I’m a solo filmmaker, SEO, story strategist, and digital marketer based out of rainy Vancouver, Canada. I’ve been helping small local businesses and global brands since 2014.

In 2017, I started applying SEO to my work with clients and in my own business. The results were extraordinary, and I got obsessed!

If you’re interested in working together, please reach out. I’d love to hear about your business goals to see if we can help.

We currently take on a maximum of one new client per month and are typically booked 3-months in advance, so please reach out early.


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